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Friday, August 20, 2010

Tyler's Email 8/19/10

Hey Fam,

I am doing pretty well besides the head aches. I soon hope they go away. Because as I am writing right now I have a head ache. It sucks. I went to see the mission doctor but he is not really a doctor just a check up guy. He is really cool though. He says he is not sure what it is that is causing my head aches. If it is health problems or stress or what. I am trying to relax more to see if that is what it causing it is not being relaxed. I am taking the stuff mom but not sure if it is helping.

I dont honestly know what to do from here on out. I drink lots of water and I am trying really hard to teach when I have these intense head aches. I feel really sick when I get them too and feel drained of Energy. I will continue to pray and do what I can for my health and hope they go away. Anyways, besides that I am doing pretty good. I still miss you guys alot. And have my waves of homesickness which I hope go away soon. A lot has happened this past week which is crazy kind of. So, I am no longer with my Companion he left Aberdeen and I am still here. The crazy part is that my new companion is just my older district. I went to school with him actually at Woods Cross. I am older than him age wise.

Then in my apartment I am the oldest age wise, which is weird. So we have the youngest apartment in the mission. Me and Elder Wing, my new companion are the second youngest companionship ,but the other companionship has a kid that can already speak cantonese. Me and Elder Wing are going to have a crazy time. I dont know what God sees in us to be together, but this will be the most growing experience since I have been on my mission. I think I am being told I need to pick up my language skill. Even though I really try to learn it. Its very hard for me. I am just waiting to see what happens with lessons and stuff. Because I am going from saying a little bit in lessons to teaching half the lessons which I do not know how to do. I am just going to rely on the spirit. I know me and him will have alot of succcess if we just work are buts off which i know we can do. And hopefully i will start getting better. I am scared but also excited for this next move. I just dont want to kill the area because I am very lucky to be in Aberdeen. So besides that, on Monday I got to teach a lesson in English to a family in the ward because they speak perfect English. They have been wanting me to meet with their son because he is inactive.
The cool thing is though, is that they send all their children to do high school in the U.S. and he will be going to Bountiful for high shcool. Such a small world and he will be going to Elder Christianson's home coming. So weird. Their Mom just wanted me to talk to him and help him out. So fam if you ever meet him, help him out please. He will be in the area. Anyways the miracle that happened for the lesson was preparing for it and the lesson. I really want to know what to teach the family and I kept praying for God to help me and guide me. I prayed I would find it while I was reading the BOM and the first thing I thought of before I started reading was pray. Then when I started reading it was about prayer. So that was amazing itself. So amazing. But I knew I was missing something one more thing to talk about so I just cleared my head and really prayed and just made my mind go blank and let God fill it with what he wants me to teach.

I sat there, and the Atonement poped up and it was amazing because it just fit in perfectly with the lesson. And what my companion wanted to talk about. I love receiving revelation it is amazing. I wish I can continue to have it, and I will work hard for it. Then we taught the lesson and it went amazing I hope it helped the kid out. The mom started crying so I am glad to see that success it was awesome. So I hope to continue to have miracles and become a better missionary. Thanks for all your prayers.

Love Tyler

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