Preston's pics

Boys slideshow

Tyler's latest pics


Friday, August 20, 2010

Tyler's Email 8/19/10

Hey Fam,

I am doing pretty well besides the head aches. I soon hope they go away. Because as I am writing right now I have a head ache. It sucks. I went to see the mission doctor but he is not really a doctor just a check up guy. He is really cool though. He says he is not sure what it is that is causing my head aches. If it is health problems or stress or what. I am trying to relax more to see if that is what it causing it is not being relaxed. I am taking the stuff mom but not sure if it is helping.

I dont honestly know what to do from here on out. I drink lots of water and I am trying really hard to teach when I have these intense head aches. I feel really sick when I get them too and feel drained of Energy. I will continue to pray and do what I can for my health and hope they go away. Anyways, besides that I am doing pretty good. I still miss you guys alot. And have my waves of homesickness which I hope go away soon. A lot has happened this past week which is crazy kind of. So, I am no longer with my Companion he left Aberdeen and I am still here. The crazy part is that my new companion is just my older district. I went to school with him actually at Woods Cross. I am older than him age wise.

Then in my apartment I am the oldest age wise, which is weird. So we have the youngest apartment in the mission. Me and Elder Wing, my new companion are the second youngest companionship ,but the other companionship has a kid that can already speak cantonese. Me and Elder Wing are going to have a crazy time. I dont know what God sees in us to be together, but this will be the most growing experience since I have been on my mission. I think I am being told I need to pick up my language skill. Even though I really try to learn it. Its very hard for me. I am just waiting to see what happens with lessons and stuff. Because I am going from saying a little bit in lessons to teaching half the lessons which I do not know how to do. I am just going to rely on the spirit. I know me and him will have alot of succcess if we just work are buts off which i know we can do. And hopefully i will start getting better. I am scared but also excited for this next move. I just dont want to kill the area because I am very lucky to be in Aberdeen. So besides that, on Monday I got to teach a lesson in English to a family in the ward because they speak perfect English. They have been wanting me to meet with their son because he is inactive.
The cool thing is though, is that they send all their children to do high school in the U.S. and he will be going to Bountiful for high shcool. Such a small world and he will be going to Elder Christianson's home coming. So weird. Their Mom just wanted me to talk to him and help him out. So fam if you ever meet him, help him out please. He will be in the area. Anyways the miracle that happened for the lesson was preparing for it and the lesson. I really want to know what to teach the family and I kept praying for God to help me and guide me. I prayed I would find it while I was reading the BOM and the first thing I thought of before I started reading was pray. Then when I started reading it was about prayer. So that was amazing itself. So amazing. But I knew I was missing something one more thing to talk about so I just cleared my head and really prayed and just made my mind go blank and let God fill it with what he wants me to teach.

I sat there, and the Atonement poped up and it was amazing because it just fit in perfectly with the lesson. And what my companion wanted to talk about. I love receiving revelation it is amazing. I wish I can continue to have it, and I will work hard for it. Then we taught the lesson and it went amazing I hope it helped the kid out. The mom started crying so I am glad to see that success it was awesome. So I hope to continue to have miracles and become a better missionary. Thanks for all your prayers.

Love Tyler

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Latest Pics of Tyler in Hong Kong

Tyler with Elder and Sister Ray, Elder Lau and Elder Jolley
Elder Ray, Elder Lau, and Tyler

Tyler and his companion Elder Lau
Tyler, Elder Lau and Elder Jolley

Now we have a few faces with names for future letters!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Preston's P-Day Schedule

Preston’s P Day

1. Wake up at 6:30 am
2. Work out until 7:00 am
3. Get ready for the day until 8:00 am
4. Study until 9:00 am
5. Study with companion until 10:00 am
6. Language study until 11:00 am
7. 11:00 am onwards washing, shopping, emails and prep for the week.
This is supposed to be his relaxing day!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pictures of Preston

These pictures are a couple months old, but I still wanted to post them.
It looks like Preston has a great group of people.
We love and miss you Preston!

Preston's Latest

Hey Mom,

I finally got the package you sent, you could tell that it had been opened. What did you put in it so I know nothing is missing. The package was good thanks. I have an ipod here that i could send to you and then you could put tons of inspiring music on it, and cool uplifting stuff too, if its possible you could send an ihome that would be awesome. If its possible you could send another ipod or something. This week I was in another city and my companion was in another one to up at the mission home getting some training, I was with these 2 missionaries I really didnt want to be with. So, of course I got way homesick and it was really hard for me. Everytime I do an exchange I get way homesick, but oh well I'm good now. So in our area Jeong up we didnt get much done, expect some cool things happend on Sunday. Whon Song meen got baptized, 원 성 민 thats his name in korean, Also out of the Blue, 3 new people came to church they were former investigators and they just decided to come to church. So, we have new investigators now. Its great, 2 of them we already gave them a soft commitment to be baptized and they said yes, so we have to get them ready, one of them is a girl her name is ha ha na yes hahana, can't remember the other names. Its amazing to see how the Lord blesses you, when you are obedient and work hard. I've noticed that a lot of the time we don't find them, they find us it's cool. Everything sounds good though there. I will pray for you mom and everyone else. I do need some pictures though more recent ones of me playing soccer and of the fam and friends please try and get some off my facebook, off Brittany. If possible I need an ipod for next package. I'm still in the same area and want to stay another transfer here, we will see though, I really like this area. But I have to go real soon, but so thanks for everything tell everyone hi. Is the family really thinking of moving back to England, when me and Ty get back? Im happy with whatever happens. Send this to Dave to please cuz i dont have much time. love you be strong.

Tyler's Latest

Hey Fam,

I am writing everyone because I do not have time to write everyone all big indivdual messages. But I will write small ones. I am glad to hear that everyone is doing good. And that you are all enjoying the summer.
I am doing pretty well right now. Thanks for the pictures mom. I am very grateful. I am sending my SD card home so you guys can all look at the pictures of that soon. I sent it yesterday so it will be there in the next week or so. Right now I am getting better and better. But i still get waves of homesickness often. I just try to work through it. I still get really intense head aches that really suck, but its ok.
I am having a lot of blessings. I dont know what I am doing to derseve it. I cannot really speak or understand everything yet becasue the head really do not help so it is really hard to focus. But with our investigators it is going really well. I think my companion must just be so amazing because I honestly dont think I am doing anything. I just try to teach the lessons and bare my testimony with all my heart each time i teach. I hope i am having an effect on my investigators. They are really great and I love teaching them.
I try to plead with God everytime I pray. I pray for a very long time and just express my feeling to God each time. Its amazing how much I feel his love each time i pray. I never want to lose the feeling I get when I pray. Also with the Book of Mormon. It has changed my life tremendously. I wish I would have read it when I was younger. I feel Gods love each time i read it. I really want to become like the prophets in the Book of Mormon. I always try to have a prayer in my heart and Humble myself before the Lord always. I am sorry i am late on the email this week, we were really busy yesterday.
I Just got done teaching a lesson to a investigator who we have been teaching the last month or so. And asked her to be baptized. She said yes even tho i was not quiet sure what she said until after. I really freaked out and got excited. I just hope her parents will let her, and everything goes well. I am being blessed so much. God answers our prayer each day. I love feeling the spirit. I am so grateful she wants to be baptized. And being apart of this it is amazing. I am trying to stay strong always and remember why I am out here. The language is hard, I am still trying out good ways to study it because I am not progressing as fast as i would like. I cannot give up. But this is the Lords time not mine. I have not seen Elder Christian yet or his family, but probably this Sunday I will.
I am doing well and maybe next time I write you,  I might be gone out of Aberdeen or have a new companion. I will let you know. Love you all so much. I hope to continue to have miracles.

Love Tyler.

Thanks for Everything